SC 803-366-5131 | TN 615-254-0841

Frham Tex II BagSuit

FSBS1041HB Frham Tex II BagSuit


  • FSBS1041HB
  • Sizes Small – 6XL
  • Bagsuit, Frham-Tex II, Yellow

FRHAM TEX II offers supreme comfort and coolness, while simultaneously maintaining a total barrier – it keeps you dry from the outside, and dry on the inside.

FRHAM TEX II: the ultimate in comfort, safety and efficiency.

  1. Comfort:
    Cools by actually transmitting moisture, rather than vapor, to the outside. Provides maximum breathability.
    Fabric is lightweight and comfortable to the skin.
    Durable bi-directional stretch material construction allows it to move with the body.
    Alleviates the discomfort of hot, expensive, plastic suits.
  2. Safety Creates a total waterproof barrier.
    Hydrophilic monolithic barrier film (not microporous). Inherently acid-resistant.
    Alleviates leaching and personal skin contamination.
    Environmentally friendly.
  3. Efficiency Launderable/reusable.
    Maintains breathability after laundering.
    Certified incinerable for maximum volume reduction.
    Dramatic reduction of heat stress can extend working time by improving comfort level of workers.
    Cost efficient in every way.

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